International Center for Professional Certifications


IMA (Institute of Management Accountants) certifications help you build credibility, increase your earning potential, and prepare you for a seat at the executive table.


CERTIFIED COST Management Accountant

Why Certified Cost Management Accounting ?

The CMA is a globally respected accounting certification that builds credibility, enchances business acumen and prepares professionals for leadarship positions.

Earning this certification opens the door to opportunities, professional recognition, and a broader understanding of management accounting and finance.

For what People ?

  • Financial professionals
  • Accountanting professionals


  • Master’s degree in English or equivalent
  •  French Master degree
  • 03 months of English courses taken or to be taken at the ICPC or Professional experience validated by a certification institute.


360 hours


  • Presential or online course  of | 120 days of 3 hours per day.
  • Day | evening |week-end
  • Seminar of 16 sessions | of 2 days and 8 hours per day
  • This certification is comprised of 20 papers.




Paper 1: Fundamentals of Business Laws and Business Communication

Paper 2: Fundamentals of Financial and Cost Accounting

Paper 3: Fundamentals of Business Mathematics and StatisticS

Paper 4: Fundamentals of Business Economics and Management

Group 1

Paper 5: Business Laws and Ethics

Paper 6:  Financial Accounting

Paper 7: Direct and Indirect Taxation

Paper 8: Cost Accounting


Group II:

Paper 9: Operations Management & Strategic Management

Paper 10: Corporate Accounting and Auditing

Paper 11: Financial Management and Business Data Analytics

Paper 12: Management Accounting

Group III:

Paper 13: Corporate and Economic Laws

Paper 14: Strategic Financial Management

Paper 15: Direct Tax Laws and International Taxation

Paper 16: Strategic Cost Management

Group IV:

Paper 17: Cost and Management Audit

Paper 18: Corporate Financial Reporting

Paper 19: Indirect Tax Laws and Practice

Paper 20: Elective (Any one)

20A: Strategic Performance Management and Business Valuation

20B: Risk Management in Banking and Insurance

20C: Entrepreneurship and Start Up

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