International University of Technoscience – Abidjan



The legitimate use of virtual currencies offers many benefits such as increased payment efficiency and lower transaction costs. Virtual currencies facilitate international payments and have the potential to provide payment services to populations that do not have access or limited access to regular banking services.


  1. Defining crypto-money
  2. Defining  LIBRA
  3.  Utility of LIBRA
  4. Origins of LIBRA
  5. How do LIBRA work
  6. Why do BITCOIN and LIBRA attract so many people
  7. Can LIBRA wildly democratizing
  8. Acceptation and adoption of  LIBRA as transaction currencies by governments and Business community
  1. Defining crypto-money
  2. Defining Bitcoin
  3.  Utility of BICOIN
  4. Origins of BITCOIN
  5. How do BITCOIN  work
  6. Why do BITCOIN attract so many people
  7. Can BITCOIN  wildly democratizing
  8. Acceptation and adoption of BITCOIN as transaction currencies by governments and Business community


An audit gives to shareholders a reasonable asurance that the financial state reflect the faithful image of the assets, the result and the financial situation of the business .

Samples of Topics


In many ways, accounting is the backbone of a business. Its role is to track a company’s finances in whatever forms they may take; from credits, debits, and profitability to payroll and tax filings. It is a field driven by analytics and analytical interpretations.

Samples of Topics


Finance encompasses the management of money at the personal, corporate and public levels. Students learn the big picture of business and can prepare for careers ranging from financial adviser to investment banker.

Samples of Topics

See IUT service

See IUT service

See IUT service

See IUT service

See IUT service

See IUT service

See IUT service

See IUT service

See IUT service


Get to the peak of your skills with an English foundation

Samples of Topics

See IUT service

See IUT service

See IUT service

See IUT service

See IUT service

See IUT service
